Teach us to pray - Part 1
Prayer is not entertainment, it is a time of fellowship with God
You should have a place to pray regularly, to mentally and spiritually look forward to going to this meeting place to meet with God. It’s not about the words, length, or repetition of your prayers - it’s about the quality. You must concentrate on living a life that isn’t contradictive and having the right attitude.
The concept of 3D prayer - Desire, Discipline, and Delight. First, you have to want to be in communion with God, to be a person of prayer. You can ask God to plant this desire in you by His Spirit. Second, we need discipline. Every day you should check in with yourself to be sure you are staying on track with your spiritual goals. It is by God’s amazing grace that we are able to have a personal connection with him just by accepting Jesus Christ as our savior and to have our lives renewed through his Spirit. Lastly, is Delight. Prayer will become a delight for you! By spending time with God and really opening up to Him about the ups and downs of your life, you will be excited to dial in and listen to what He has to say to you. You can meet God at your place of prayer, it’s something to look forward to every day - and all day if you need it.
Today’s reading is from Matthew 6:5-8:
KJV paraphrased (words were spoken by Christ) - When you pray, don’t pray to just been seen praying. But when you pray, go to your closet and when you shut the door and pray to the Father in secret; and as the Father hears those secret prayers and sees you being faithful in your prayer life, He will reward you openly. When you pray don’t use vain repetitions as speaking a lot doesn’t mean you will be heard more quickly. Don’t be like them because your Father in Heaven knows the things you have needs before you even ask Him.
And 1 John 5:3:
God created his commandments to protect us - they are not meant to cause any grief in your life.
I feel like God is saying to not carry out acts of good faith just to be seen or known by man that you complete these acts. The things done in secret are seen from the highest up and that is all that matters because the reward with Him is greater than anything that can be given on this earth.
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